Content sponsored by Hirschbach
“The Rebels were peppering us with bullets.” Marine Robert Goodnow remembers repeatedly escaping death… watching the lines of bullets bead and shatter the concrete beside him as he maneuvered to return fire.
At the time, Robert Goodnow was a Marine putting his life on the line to defend the US Embassy in Liberia, Africa where local diamond mines had attracted an attack by Rebel forces.
“I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.”
“In the military you’re relying on the guy next to you. I tried to convey that to Marine recruits I trained in communication and combat before I headed out to fight in the first Gulf War.”
Today, Robert drives for Hirschbach, where he employs his tactical experience and drive to complete his mission no matter what, but he says a lot of outsiders just don’t understand:
“Trucking is a lifestyle just like the military,” it’s hard to grasp that from the outside. “I’ve trained doctors, factory workers, a General Manager from Ford to be drivers. They don’t know what it’s like.” Like the military, “trucking you’re always on, thinking of weather, planning routes.”
“It’s tough to have a grasp on– it’s always on.”

Robert says that whether you are trucking or in the military you are on a mission. He told recruits that, “When bombs start going off your job is to complete the mission. Even though you’re scared you have to complete it. You have to rely on the person beside you. Someday he’ll save your life.”
Today, there are no bombs going off, but the team at Hirschbach is Robert’s guy beside him as he completes each load, each mission. “The people here at Hirschbach actually care about the driver. It’s good to be with a company that’s all about the drivers. And they really go above and beyond for the Veterans.”
Robert says veterans coming out of the military can grasp being away from loved ones: “Thanks to my family– I support them financially, but they support me emotionally so I can do the job that’s keeping America going.”
“You need that support.” Robert calls his wife Barbara 2-3 times a day while he’s on the road. He’s grateful that he remained close to his daughters Marisa and Kendra, while they were growing up, and now Robert enjoys deep sea fishing with his young grandson, Brantley and is excited for when his nine month old grandson Waylon can join them.
“You have to join the military for the right reasons. It’s about the brotherhood, the fellowship. You are all there for the same reason– keeping America safe, and it’s a sacrifice. And trucking is also a sacrifice; you sacrifice your time with your family, to get the job done so others can have the freedom to get food, to get the things they need.”