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Most everyone knows that the holiday season would not be possible without the work of the trucking industry, but not everyone knows the lengths truckers and trucking companies go to in order to bring joy to their communities during the holidays. 

This year, Trucking Moves America Forward, an organization focused on educating the public on the importance of trucking and maintaining a positive image for the industry, is honoring the organizations, trucking companies, and drivers that did a little extra by compiling a list, bringing public attention to their good deeds.

With more than 20 groups recognized from New York to California including Ryder, The St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, and American Trucking Associations, the recognized groups kept the meaning of Christmas alive through acts of service such as the collection of toys, food and even money for bills, all donated to those in need. 

To see a full list of the recognized organizations and their charitable deeds, please check out the Press Release here. 


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