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Every year since 2001, Freightliner has built and wrapped a fleet of patriotic tractor trailers they call the “Ride of Pride,” and each year, a few lucky trucking companies get to use them in their fleet. 

This year, Cargo Transporters was a lucky recipient of the Ride of Pride tractor called “Courage,” dedicated to Medal of Honor and Purple Heart recipients, and they say the rig is helping them spread awareness and joy throughout their community. 

“We’re asked by a lot of veteran groups, historical groups, and parades to bring the trucks. There is a cost associated each time we pull a truck off the road, but we feel like we were blessed to have a tractor, so we try to support that,” said Derrick Whittle, driver of the decorated rig, to Fleetowner.  

The Freightliner p4 model is decorated in Purple Heart and Medal of Honor emblems, Blue Stars to honor family members serving in the Armed Forces during any war, Gold Stars to represent those who died in military operations, and the Ride of Pride seal, reported American Trucker.

“The founders of Cargo Transporters, Jack Brown and Forrest Pope, both served in the military, and Pope’s sons Tony and Charles served as well,” said Cargo COO Jerry Sigmon Jr.

 “Today we have many employees who are veterans. We received our first Ride of Pride tractor in 2010 and in 2012 we dedicated our Veterans Wall. Receiving our fifth Ride of Pride tractor this year is a great honor and another way to show our respect for veterans.”