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The American Legion is asking the public for help in checking-in on veterans during the COVID19 pandemic.  

Mike Walton of America Legion Post #32 in Springfield, Illinois recently sent out a press release pointing out that during this time of social isolation, veterans need the public to show support now more than ever. 

 “As many of you know with PTSD and other problems, having to stay in and not have contact with others and the outside world could seriously affect the mental health of many of our brother and sister veterans,” wrote Walton, “so please, do as The American Legion is doing nationwide and call a veteran and make sure they are doing ok.”

The American Legion already has a long-standing “buddy check” program but is urging the general public to pitch in as well. So please, do your part and give a call or even send a note to a veteran in your community – the communication might make you feel better, too! 


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