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U.S. Xpress puts a high value on the experience, commitment, and work ethic of our country’s veterans, and that’s why they’re on a mission to employ as many veterans as they can.

This week, U.S. Xpress shared the success stories of two of their military veteran truck drivers, Matthew Petsch, and Tracy Gaudette, and we want to share them too.

Matthew Petsch served in the United States Marine Corps. from 1984 to 1994 as active duty and from 1994 to 2004 in the Marine Reserves.  His primary job was in Communications and working up to being a Radio Chief.  Matt first joined U.S. Xpress in January of 2012, but left for a time to perform contract work in Afghanistan.  He returned to U.S. Xpress in June of 2013.”

“U.S. Xpress’ commitment to safety and maintenance is important to me, as is the pride our company takes in providing newer trucks to their drivers,” Petsch said.

“Even though it is a large company, it still has a small company family atmosphere.”

Tracy Gaudette served in the United States Air Force on active duty from 1985 to 1987 as a Pharmacy Technician and was later promoted to Pharmacy Specialist. Tracy joined U.S. Xpress in October of 2015 and has driven as a solo, team, and tour driver. 

“Great training, great miles, and great pay! The Fleet Managers I have had have been the tops!” Gaudette said.

“Twice last year, I had two family emergencies, 6 months apart, and my managers at both times got me where I needed to be when I needed to be there.  I will always be grateful for that.  My daughter is taking advantage of our Full Ride Program, getting her college courses done online, and U.S. Xpress is paying for it all.”

“Both Matt and Tracy are a great value to U.S. Xpress.  When other drivers need help, they both are willing to help and educate others.  They are a great value to U.S. Xpress to be on time and service our customer’s needs,” said U.S. Xpress Fleet Manager Phyllis Overla.

“It is an honor to have Matt on our Military Fleet. He exemplifies the word “veteran”. From the moment he was placed in the truck, he has been a tremendous ambassador for our company and he shows a lot of pride in our company and his service in the United States Marine Corps. Matt has a tremendous amount of knowledge, and is an exemplary driver. He has won awards within our company, and was also a finalist for the Lytx driver of the year award. We are proud to have him as part of our U.S. Xpress team and look forward to his continued success,” said U.S. Xpress Military Program Specialist Wade Lipham.

“Tracy shows her pride every day in everything that she does.  She represents herself, her company, and the United States Air Force excellently.  I am proud to know Tracy and have her represent U.S. Xpress on our Military Fleet.  The awards that she has won within our company have been well deserved.  I know her commitment to safety and her pride will take her a long way in our company, and I know she will shine,” said U.S. Xpress Military Program Specialist Tim Wright.

Bravo, Matt and Tracy!

For more information on U.S. Xpress’ Military Program, visit their website here.