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The Wounded Veterans Project in Suffield, Connecticut is partnering with Shamrock Cafe to collect and distribute care packages to local veterans having a difficult time finding the supplies they need. 

Jeannie Miller, founder of the Wounded Veterans Project, says that she and Shamrock Cafe owner Erica Rozanski will be collecting care packages from the general public at the Shamrock Cafe on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and will hand them out to veterans on Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Shamrock Café is located at 1117 East St. South. Suffield, Connecticut. 

The care packages are for all veterans, Miller only asks that the veterans or family members picking up the packages show proof of the person’s veteran status, reported Journal Inquirer.

Miller encourages people looking to donate a package to “share don’t shop,” by simply donating items they already have stocked around the house “toilet paper, puzzles, canned goods, anything that you like to have now, they’ll like, too,” Miller said. Miller also encourages donators to include gift cards to local restaurants in the care packages, which can be purchased online and printed out at home. 

“The veterans who receive the package will be able to buy food, and local restaurants will be supported in a difficult time,” Miller added.

When dropping off a package Saturday, people should not leave their cars and should instead just roll down their windows and place their care packages on the table. From there, Miller and Rozanski will ensure it gets to a veteran. 

“My cafe is closed, but many of my patrons are veterans,” Rozanski said. “I felt like I needed to do something to help them and give the community a way to help as well.”