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The Fourth of July is typically a time of celebration, but for some veterans, the festivities can trigger some unwanted stress. 

Unfortunately, the loud noises from fireworks can cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to flare up in veterans.

“Those things can come back to you at any time,” said Mike Newhouse, president of Siouxland Freedom park, pointing out that supporting the veterans in your life during is especially important this Fourth of July weekend.

“Be sensitive. Listen. You learn more by listening than any other way. And allow them, if it’s a serious consideration to govern their activities with their own conscience. Be sensitive to that,” Newhouse continued to KTIV.

“It’s very real. And it can manifest itself in many ways. If you were there, I don’t have to explain it to you. If you weren’t there, I can’t explain it to you. So, keep that in mind when you deal with veterans who may be reluctant or very sensitive about their experience. It’s real.”

Any veterans in need of help dealing with their PTSD can head to the VA, or utilize the resources here.