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Two Vietnam veterans in Florida now have a place to call home thanks to the generosity of a local realtor. 

Just a few weeks ago, Vietnam veterans Glen Shade and Ronald See had nowhere to live. When local realtor Susie Mehas realized that the two needed help, she jumped into action, rallying local charities and neighbors to help get the veterans what they needed to get back on their feet. 

“It was amazing. It was like one big basket and everybody just kept putting everything in it,” she said.

Along with a few neighbors, “Gulf Coast Veterans and Friends” and “The Community Foundation” donated to the cause. 

“[I want to give back] By helping the veterans, in particular, the Vietnam vets because that’s my era,” she said. “They went over there and some of them didn’t come back so…I’m very passionate about that.”

“If it wasn’t for Susie, we’d have probably been out on the streets,” See said.

“I owe a lot to Susie, the lady that got us into this place and everything. She’s really a lifesaver.”

See and Shade now have a fully furnished home with all the supplies they need to set up a life for themselves. Now all they are lacking are vehicles to get around in, which the community hopes to help them with in the near future. 

Those who donated to the cause say that they hope this success story inspires other veterans in need to reach out if they need help.