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National Truck Protection (NTP) and Premium 2000+, two of the biggest aftermarket commercial truck warranty brands in America have teamed up to offer support to our country’s veterans. 

Just last year, the two launched their “Value Our Veterans” program, offering military veteran owner-operator truck drivers $100 gift cards with the purchase of an NTP or Premium 2000+ warranty, as well as an entry into a drawing giving away three cash prizes totaling $5,000. The program then expanded to the annual UTA Convention in Palm Springs, California, where UTA participants could enter a drawing for $500 in cash prizes and each winner could choose which military veterans organization they wanted NTP and Premium 2000+ to donate to, reported TPS.

After the drawing, the local Palm Springs VFW Post 1534 received a donation totaling $1,650. 

The Value Our Veterans program is continuing, and this year company leaders are participating run in Run Ranger Run, a 565 mile run across the country aimed at spreading awareness to the challenges facing transitioning service members.

“Supporting our military veterans is near and dear to our hearts, which is why we started the ‘Value Our Veterans’ program,” says Wade Bontrager, CEO, National Truck Protection Co. Inc.

“We have employees who have served in the Army, Marines, Navy and Reserves. As an Army veteran myself, I know firsthand the challenges of transitioning back to civilian life after years of serving our country. So, our participation in the Run Ranger Run event can help proud vets who are uniquely qualified and have terrific work ethic to have rewarding careers in our great trucking industry.”