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Jesse James Dupree fronts the rock band Jackyl, but there’s more to this musician than bars and guitars – Dupree is a proud supporter of veterans and truckers, and he’s here to prove it. 

Dupree fronts the band, runs Pappy Hoel Campground and Resort and Full Throttle Saloon on his 600 acre ranch in Sturgis, South Dakota, and does consulting work with Harley-Davidson, but his true passion lies in his involvement with the Veterans of Foreign Wars and more recently, his most recent anthem dedicated to the hard work of truck drivers. 

“I’d been shooting a documentary on the truck driving industry [about the restrictions placed on drivers,]” Dupree explained to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“And now that we need these guys, we’re letting them run as long and hard as they can because we’ve got to have them. These truck drivers are essential. The song is a celebration of the asphalt cowboy.”

The banjo-led song, called “It Didn’t Fall from the Sky (Trucking Uncle Sam,)” was created by Dupree with the help of famed banjo player Don Wayne Reno, Jackyl bassist Roman Glick, drummer son Nigel and former Drivin N Cryin keyboardist Joey Huffman and has since racked up more than 80,000 views on Youtube since its release in April. 

“Everything you can reach out and touch right now probably came from a truck – not to take anything away from the brick and mortar stores,” Dupree said. 

“These are the supply chain heroes and getting to make a tribute to our American truck drivers, that’s something that’s been very rewarding to me.”

Check out the song and music video in the clip below.