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The parade of both local and national trucking companies commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks, and it honored military heroes that have served our country both in the military and then as civilians in the demanding position of truck driver.

“And I think we all have a duty to devote at least a small portion of our daily lives to ensuring that neither America nor the world ever forgets September 11.” –Senator Frick

Remembering the 9/11 attacks, along with the courage and sacrifice of American Heroes that fight to protect the country is a sacred duty. This September 11th, Cargo Transporters and the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) acted on that duty: They partnered to host the America Rolls Strong Truck Parade in North Carolina.

And this year’s parade was especially significant as it commemorated the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 

“The America Rolls Strong Truck Parade included special patriotic Ride of Pride trucks. The Ride of Pride program was founded in 2002 by Ed Keeter, a Vietnam War veteran and former shift manager at Freightliner’s Cleveland Truck Manufacturing Plant in North Carolina, as a way to recognize military veterans,” TCA said in a press release.

The parade featured a convoy of 30 trucks along with first responders. It was the inaugural event for, “the annual event recognizes and thanks the industry’s 3.6 million professional truck drivers who are responsible for delivering America’s most essential goods.”

The America Rolls Strong Parade featured custom wrapped trucks, with designated veteran drivers at the wheel. Each veteran-themed truck wrap in the “Ride of Pride” proudly showed support and saluted those that truly exemplify American values.

As veteran truckers, our nation’s heroes demonstrate their military values: They display their courage, loyalty, and discipline that uniquely equip them to fill seats as providers for American families. Today, veterans recognize that the trucking industry’s patriotic culture showcases its support for those that served to protect our freedoms.

Some of the drivers that were featured in the parade are like ACT’s driver Ken Mateer, who reenlisted after the September 11th attacks. Veterans like Mateer exemplify America’s resilience to enemy invasion and a sacrificial love for their country.

The parade also kicked off the annual National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week, which more broadly thanks trucker drivers for their tireless efforts on behalf of the country. 

It celebrated the drivers that are on the road in all weather, often during holidays to keep the country supplied. It highlighted and commended the hard working men and women that serve in one of the economy’s most demanding industries to provide essential goods to American families.

“The America Rolls Strong Truck Parade is all about our nation’s professional drivers who are absolutely essential to our economy and deserve to be called out for their continued service under some of the toughest of conditions,” said Dennis Dellinger, president and CEO at Cargo Transporters. 


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