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The Wisconsin Veterans Museum has agreed to clean up graffiti from the side of the building after a month of requests from local veterans. 

In July, a group of veterans came together and raised $20,000 for the repair of the museum, as well as an addition to the museum that would showcase “the contributions of African American service members before and after military unit segregation, as well as the cohesive nature of modern-day multiracial, multigender military units.”

However, their proposal was thwarted when the building owner withdrew their support and the board of Wisconsin Veterans Museum Foundation voted 6-3 against accepting the funds.

Now, after a consultation with the museum’s insurance and a discussion on how to best remove the spray paint from the stone walls, there are plans to clean-up the vandalized museum. 

The removal will begin on Wednesday, August 5th, reported the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

“We take great pride in sharing the legacy of the service and sacrifice of Wisconsin’s military veterans,” said Veterans Affairs Secretary Mary Kolar. 

“Protecting the heart and soul of the museum — the stories of veterans that are held within the walls of the museum and told through the museum’s exhibits and artifacts — has been at the forefront.”

The museum has been closed since March 17 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was vandalized on May 31st during a Black Lives Matter protest.