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Robert Palm describes his five years in the Army as “life changing.” Now, he’s using his military experience to not only succeed in the trucking industry, but to give back to those who keep America moving: Truck drivers. 

“I never thought I’d get up at 0400. In the Army, I gained discipline, I learned the chain of command and I learned how to be motivated. I also learned to get the job done the right way the first time. I went from rebel teen to disciplined soldier.” Palm said.

These days, Palm is an Owner Operator truck driver, working as an Independent Contractor for Roadrunner Freight.

“The values I learned in the military positively impact my performance every single day,” Palm said. 

“There’s no better person to work alongside than someone who was previously military personnel,” said Brad Sowa, Vice President of Contractor Relations at Roadrunner Freight.

 “Time management, respect and the desire to want to be better – veterans have these values ingrained in their everyday life, and thus they make excellent business owners,” he added.

As an Independent Contractor with Roadrunner Freight, Palm has been able to work successfully as a trucker while simultaneously managing his own non-profit organization aimed at reuniting truckers with their families in the event of death, sickness, injury, or other times of crisis – Trucker’s Final Mile.

“As I look to retire; the quest to pay it forward for me has been without a doubt guided by a higher power,” Palm writes on the organization’s website. 

“Through our compassionate donors, we want every commercial driver to know that a service exists that will provide for them and their family without a doubt, anytime, anywhere.”

You can learn more about Palm’s charity by visiting the website here.


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