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Advisory Board Partnership Program

The Veterans in Trucking Advisory Board Partnership Program is an exclusive opportunity for transportation industry leaders to join forces in advancing the mission of supporting veterans in the trucking industry.

Support Veterans

Empower & enable veterans within the trucking industry.

Make an impact

Shape the future for veterans in the trucking space.

Build Industry connections

Network with key partners in the trucking industry & related fields.

Expand your Engagement

Enhance the reach of your corporate social responsibility efforts.

Advisory Board Member Activities

  • Social Media Engagement
  • Podcast Guest Appearances
  • Media Inclusion & Coverage
  • Relationship Building
  • Panel Meetings
  • Mission Support

Benefits of Partnership

Logo Usage

Use our partner logo in your marketing efforts, showcasing your commitment to supporting veterans.

Increased Exposure

Leverage the Veterans In Trucking and CDLLife platforms to enhance your brand's visibility.

Reputation Building

Align your brand with a noble cause, enhancing your corporate social responsibility profile.

Industry Connections

Network with key partners in the trucking industry & related fields.

Support Veterans

Directly contribute to initiatives that support and empower veterans in the trucking industry.

Impactful Engagement

Play a significant role in shaping the future of veterans in trucking through your advisory board participation.

Make an impact

Join us

Join us in making a difference in the lives of veterans and the trucking industry. Your partnership will help drive meaningful change and create lasting impact.
